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25g per pack

Bean Origin: Ethiopia

Manufactured Country: China

Taste Profile: Passionfruit, Citrus, English Tea

25g per pack
Bean Origin: Rwanda
Manufactured Country: China
Taste Profile: Brown Sugar, Hazelnut, Dark Chocolate, Vanilla


Silver Mona Portable Coffee Brewer is lightweight and handy, which is suitable for drinking on different occasions, not only for camping, friend gatherings but also traveling abroad, enjoying high-quality coffee in only 4 minutes.


After filling with water and brewing, each sachet is available for 2 to 3 people and whenever shared with friends and family. The coffee brewer contains ground coffee, just pour hot/ room-temperature water into the filter bag, then easily make hot black coffee or cold brew coffee wherever which saves time and procedures.


Brewing Method:

Hot Brew

1.  Tear off alone top dotted line and shape the bag wide

2.  Open the spout cap before pouring hot water

3.  Pour 400ml 90°C hot water and close the zipper

4.  Brew for 4 - 8 mins (4 mins = Mild, 8 mins = Strong), then click off the spout cap and serve 2 cups


Cold Brew

1.  Tear off alone top dotted line & shape bag wide

2.  Pour 400ml room-temperature water

3.  Flat in the fridge for 8 - 10 hrs




製作產地: 中國


製作產地: 中國


Silver Mona 咖啡隨行包包裝輕巧、方便攜帶,適合在不同場合飲用,無論戶外露營⛺、野餐、朋友聚會或出國旅行,只需短短4分鐘便能享受優質咖啡。包裝內的濾袋已備有磨好的咖啡粉,只需注入冷/熱飲用水,即可製成熱咖啡或冷萃咖啡,🏠每包的份量可供2至3人飲用,隨時隨地與朋友和家人分享。




1. 沿虛線撕開包裝口,並扭開出水口蓋。

2. 蓋回出水口,拉闊包裝口方便注水,加入 90 度熱水至 400ml,壓緊封條。

3. 浸泡約 4-8 分鐘後即可倒出咖啡享用。



1. 沿虛線撕開包裝口,拉闊包裝口方便注水。

2. 加入常溫水至400ml,壓緊封條。

3. 放入雪櫃平放,靜置8-10個小時後,取出並打開出水口蓋即可享用。



Portable Coffee Tasting Set - Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亞 + Rwanda 盧旺達

Excluding GST/HST
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